You have 90 seconds to answer as many questions as you can.
You will be shown two letters ‘A’ and ‘B” and a statement about their relative positions. For example BA: A is behind B if you think the statement is correct you select True, if you think it is incorrect select False.
The 90 seconds starts when you click the button below.
Good luck!
Well done!
Keep a record of your score and repeat the test every couple of months. This will allow you to track your cognitive function over time.
Keep a record of your score and repeat the test every couple of months. This will allow you to track your cognitive function over time.
#1. BA : A is not before B
#2. BA : A is not after B
#3. AB : B follows A
#4. BA : A is preceded by B
#5. AB : B is followed by A
#6. BA : A is before B
#7. AB : A is not before B
#8. BA : A follows B
#9. AB : B is not preceded by A
#10. AB : A is after B
#11. AB : B precedes A
#12. AB : A is followed by B
#13. BA : A precedes B
#14. AB : A is not after B
#15. AB : A follows B
#16. BA : B is preceded by A
#17. AB : B is after A
#18. AB : A is before B
#19. BA : A is followed by B
#20. BA : B precedes A
#21. BA : A is not preceded by B
#22. BA : B is not followed by A
#23. BA : B is followed by A
#24. BA : B does not follow A
#25. AB : B does not follow A
#26. BA : A is not followed by B
#27. AB : B is not after A
#28. BA : A is after B
#29. BA : B is after A
#30. AB : B is before A
#31. AB : A precedes B
#32. BA : B is not after A
#33. AB : B is not preceded by A
#34. AB : B is preceded by A
#35. AB : B does not precede A
#36. BA : B is not before A
#37. AB : B is not before A
#38. AB : A does not follow B
#39. AB : B is not followed by A
#40. BA : B follows A
#41. BA : B is before A
#42. BA : A does not precede B
#43. AB : A does not precede B
#44. AB : A is preceded by B
#45. AB : A is not followed by B
#46. AB : A is not preceded by B
#47. BA : A does not follow B
#48. BA : B does not precede A